Monday, July 19, 2010

Health Insurance

Health insurance is an important benefit that every household employee would like to have as a part of their compensation package. There are tax breaks for both the employer and the employee to make this more affordable than you might think. Like all employers, the government encourages household employers to contribute to their employee's health insurance premiums. You can do this by making a portion of the compensation tax free to the employer. Similarly, the employee is not taxed on that portion of the compensation. You have two options: the household employer can choose to be the billing party for the policy, paying the premiums directly to the health insurance company, or the household employer can provide the dollars for premiums to the employee. Either way, the employee savings will be about 20% of the amount of the health insurance contributions and the employer savings will be about 10% of the amount of the health insurance contributions. The tax breaks associated with health insurance create a powerful financial tool enabling nannies and housekeepers to get critical coverage without destroying employer's budgets.