Thursday, July 29, 2010

Good Housekeeping: Spot on Advice for Removing Summer Stains

Summertime means many stains that come with fun like barbecues, picnics and sunning at the beach. Here is some advice provided by Good Housekeeping for the following stains:

Grass stains: take a little of liquid laundry detergent with enzymes and rub into the stain, let it sit 5 minutes, then launder using the bleach (chlorine or oxygen) and very hot water.

Mustard/Ketchup: for Mustard,dip paper towel in cold water and BLOT (don't rub) the stain, use a dab of glycerin and work it into the stain. For Ketchup, flush the stain from the back side of the fabric with cold water. Next, for both apply liquid detergent to the front of the stain and use a toothbrush. Add more detergent as needed and then machine wash.

Fresh Berry stains: immediately sponge the spot with cool water and then later stretch the stained cloth over a bowel or pot in the sink. Hold a kettle of boiling water above the fabric and pour it over the stain (12 inches above). If it doesn't come out, use rubbing alcohol before tossing into the machine.

Sunscreen streaks: apply aerosol-spray stain remover like Shout or Afta.

Think about bringing an on-the-go stain remover pen (Max Force Gel Stick - new from OxiClean)or wipe in case a food stain should occur. Never let a stain linger on the garment in a hamper for days. Treat it as soon as possible and toss into machine.

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